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Rock Climbing Photos : Bouldering : Ben sends Chossburg testpiece traverse

Ben sends Chossburg testpiece traverse

Ben sends Chossburg testpiece traverse

The Pig Hill lowball warm up problem created by Jimmy and Andy. I'm not positive who sent it first and what they named it. It has a nice overhang start, dyno to a jug, stretch to a sidepull, a small finger crack to the sloper squat, a nice sidepull bowl, funky feet into a chossy underclimg armbar and finish with a dyno or a chin hold variation. Im guessing its a V5 or more. This is the best of whats left of "Chossburg" as Tim Toula called it since the new Rt 15 blasted the other area. Climber - bennevis, Photographer - sarahgilkinson, Spotter - keithfisher

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: Pennsylvania: Northcentral_Region: Blossburg__aka_Chossburg_-_Pig_Hill_: Route_99_Overhang
Route: Pig Hill Testpiece - V1

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