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Rock Climbing Photos : Artistic : First Steps...

First Steps...

First Steps...

After taking rock climbing class in college, this is my first attempt to climb a route in my own, belayed by a fellow rookie: my brother. I'm not sure what the level of difficulty is, but at the time, it sure was too much for me. I couldn't get past the second protection! A year and a half later, I would love to go back there and give it another go. The route is located in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. I don't know the name of the region since we found the place after asking all over town climbing routes. Still, I wouldn't recommend it; the rock is sharp yet slippery and there's just a few routes. I would like to thank my dad for taking the picture.

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: Mexico: Estado_de_M_xico: La_Pe_a

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