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2 Votes

Feeling for Hold

Feeling for Hold (view)

Castaways - 5.8 (Seneca Rocks Region, The Panhandle, Franklin Gorge, Impact Zone, Castaways) Seneca Rocks offers rock climbers an opportunity unique in the east due to the hardness of the Tuscarora Formation, and the degree of climbing difficulty. There are over 375 major mapped climbing routes, varying in degree from the easiest (5.0) to the most difficult (5.12).

Rating:Average Rating = 5.00/5 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: TDLphoto on 2010-08-05 | Views: 2698

Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars senditbig 2010-08-05
5 out of 5 stars TDLphoto 2010-08-05