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8 Votes

oh so sweet - sweet pain

oh so sweet - sweet pain (view)

me pulling out of the crux on sweet pain 5.12a Red Rocks NV. A great route, beta makes the crux flow nicely! a great way to break into the 12s (nice and soft)

Rating:Average Rating = 2.75/5 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: cadaverchris on 2003-04-01 | Views: 2863

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars ctclimbz 2005-06-12
3 out of 5 stars floridaputz 2004-10-19
3 out of 5 stars coloclimbergog 2004-05-16
3 out of 5 stars biff 2003-11-24
2 out of 5 stars vram1974 2003-04-04
4 out of 5 stars bigo 2003-04-03
3 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-04-03
3 out of 5 stars cadaverchris 2003-04-02