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7 Votes

Gonna get hard

Gonna get hard (view)

Gavin Macrae leading this 11a. The first pro is a sling tie-off thru a strange hole which will give you an erect arm for the next move towards the crux sequence.

Rating:Average Rating = 2.43/5 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2003-04-19 | Views: 511

Rating User Date
2 out of 5 stars kachoong 2006-09-26
2 out of 5 stars jimmylegs 2005-02-06
3 out of 5 stars floridaputz 2004-12-11
2 out of 5 stars fabe 2004-05-08
2 out of 5 stars jt512 2003-12-26
3 out of 5 stars biff 2003-11-28
3 out of 5 stars rwaltermyer 2003-04-19