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6 Votes

Iron Hands

Iron Hands (view)

Sarin fights the pump on IronMan Traverse. We only saw two other people out climbing in the milks this day - which made the wait very short in between tries. Photo by Jason Liebgott

Rating:Average Rating = 3.60/5 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4

Submitted by: jliebgott on 2003-06-03 | Views: 816

Rating User Date
0 out of 5 stars ipsofacto 2004-04-06
3 out of 5 stars jookyhead 2003-11-30
5 out of 5 stars pisceian 2003-06-05
4 out of 5 stars jliebgott 2003-06-04
2 out of 5 stars leaverbiner 2003-06-04
4 out of 5 stars biff 2003-06-03