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19 Votes

Matt Adams cranking

Matt Adams cranking "Nomads, Saints and Indians" (29, 5:13b) (view)

Matt Adams powering his way up the 45 degree overhung wall of Nomads, Saints and Indians in Millennium Caves in the Southern Grampians, Victoria, Australia. The bottom section to the last draw pictured is "only" 24 and is a classic in itself. Then the fun starts ... Photo, doughboy.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.74/5 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 13

Submitted by: doughboy on 2003-06-26 | Views: 1041

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars photon 2003-11-04
4 out of 5 stars pisceian 2003-07-17
3 out of 5 stars criscokid 2003-07-08
4 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-07-08
2 out of 5 stars pbjosh 2003-07-03
4 out of 5 stars matthias 2003-07-02
5 out of 5 stars roughster 2003-07-01
4 out of 5 stars ajkclay 2003-06-29
4 out of 5 stars crpa 2003-06-28
4 out of 5 stars gretchino 2003-06-27
3 out of 5 stars forkliftdaddy 2003-06-27
5 out of 5 stars dalai 2003-06-27
3 out of 5 stars climbnow1 2003-06-27
4 out of 5 stars extremist4life 2003-06-26
4 out of 5 stars orangeoverhang 2003-06-26
4 out of 5 stars kalcario 2003-06-26
5 out of 5 stars ethanluca 2003-06-26
3 out of 5 stars dead_milkman 2003-06-26
5 out of 5 stars philbox 2003-06-26