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6 Votes

Andrew on the start of Murdoch the horse F....

Andrew on the start of Murdoch the horse F.... (view)

Andrew grabs the left hand gaston at the start of this interesting little route on the pocketed wall in Nowra

Rating:Average Rating = 3.50/5 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4

Submitted by: shawkshaw on 2003-07-08 | Views: 830

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars orangekyak 2004-11-09
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2003-07-24
4 out of 5 stars rrradam 2003-07-16
4 out of 5 stars dalai 2003-07-14
3 out of 5 stars criscokid 2003-07-10
4 out of 5 stars crux_clipper 2003-07-10