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61 Votes

Taming the Predator

Taming the Predator (view)

This was sent out to the mountaineering club mailing list here at Dartmouth College awhile ago. Photo was taken by Michael Golub '03, showing Gabriel Martinez '99 on the Predator 5.13b. Gabe hurt his left heel earlier that day and decided to just tape it up and play around shoeless for the rest of the afternoon.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.23/5 | Votes: 61 | Comments: 35

Submitted by: jerryw on 2003-08-13 | Views: 2242

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Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars gator211 2006-05-29
3 out of 5 stars buckeeb 2005-11-09
2 out of 5 stars lardbutt 2005-10-02
2 out of 5 stars drkodos 2005-09-02
5 out of 5 stars andrurok 2005-06-16
4 out of 5 stars kubi 2005-05-13
4 out of 5 stars gunksgoer 2005-04-09
5 out of 5 stars eetu 2004-06-11
5 out of 5 stars hardcoreclimber 2004-01-13
3 out of 5 stars cadaverchris 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars onbelay_osu 2003-09-22
5 out of 5 stars ajkclay 2003-09-13
1 out of 5 stars baalzimon 2003-09-09
5 out of 5 stars sv 2003-09-08
4 out of 5 stars boulderpaul 2003-09-08
5 out of 5 stars xcel360 2003-09-08
0 out of 5 stars hooker 2003-09-08
5 out of 5 stars tarp 2003-09-06
5 out of 5 stars arrrghjp 2003-09-06
5 out of 5 stars warloc 2003-09-06
5 out of 5 stars fyreflii 2003-09-05
5 out of 5 stars klymer 2003-09-05
5 out of 5 stars mrtristan 2003-09-05
5 out of 5 stars skygirl12 2003-09-03
5 out of 5 stars curt 2003-09-02
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