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26 Votes

Paul Robinson on The Egg

Paul Robinson on The Egg (view)

Here is Paul Robinson on The Egg, Squamish, BC.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.62/5 | Votes: 26 | Comments: 14

Submitted by: boulderpaul on 2003-09-05 | Views: 2262

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Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars fiend 2006-02-12
3 out of 5 stars novclimbs 2005-10-07
3 out of 5 stars drkodos 2005-09-02
0 out of 5 stars ipsofacto 2004-05-01
3 out of 5 stars cliffmonkey2003 2004-04-22
5 out of 5 stars wyattearp 2004-01-27
3 out of 5 stars berserk 2003-10-03
3 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-09-28
4 out of 5 stars bighigaz 2003-09-15
3 out of 5 stars climbsomething 2003-09-15
3 out of 5 stars krillen 2003-09-15
5 out of 5 stars rwaltermyer 2003-09-15
3 out of 5 stars climbnow1 2003-09-15
5 out of 5 stars photon 2003-09-14
1 out of 5 stars hooker 2003-09-08
0 out of 5 stars duracellbunny 2003-09-08
5 out of 5 stars passthepitonspete 2003-09-07
5 out of 5 stars ikefromla 2003-09-07
4 out of 5 stars dalai 2003-09-07
5 out of 5 stars gotenclimber 2003-09-07
5 out of 5 stars boulderpaul 2003-09-07
5 out of 5 stars xanx 2003-09-07
1 out of 5 stars chalkbag 2003-09-06
4 out of 5 stars warloc 2003-09-06
2 out of 5 stars kalcario 2003-09-05
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