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7 Votes

The fortress

The fortress (view)

This is me topping out on the "regular route" at the fortress area of table rock. This problem involves highstepping until your pelvis folds itself in half.

Rating:Average Rating = 2.00/5 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: phillycheese on 2003-09-18 | Views: 1020

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars cjslimclimb 2004-05-28
2 out of 5 stars overlord 2004-03-27
1 out of 5 stars jt512 2003-12-12
2 out of 5 stars orangekyak 2003-12-10
2 out of 5 stars markguycan 2003-10-05
4 out of 5 stars elvislegs 2003-09-22
2 out of 5 stars biff 2003-09-21