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31 Votes

Perhaps the most *STYLISTICALLY PURE ASCENT* ever made!

Perhaps the most *STYLISTICALLY PURE ASCENT* ever made! (view)


Every REAL CLIMBER knows that it's not THAT you reach the summit that counts, but rather HOW you get there that's important.

It's called "style".

For instance, a solo ascent is usually considered better style than an ascent made with a partner.

An on-sight ascent is better style than one where you have previous knowledge of the route.

And of course, a first ascent is better still.

Here, I am making what is possibly the BEST POSSIBLE STYLE in which an ascent can be made:

An on-sight, solo, winter, nude, first ascent.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.92/5 | Votes: 31 | Comments: 19

Submitted by: passthepitonspete on 2001-11-03 | Views: 2146

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Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars tangboy 2001-11-13
0 out of 5 stars micahthebika 2001-11-07
1 out of 5 stars bart 2001-11-04
0 out of 5 stars fiend 2001-11-04
5 out of 5 stars addiroids 2001-11-03
0 out of 5 stars diegow 2001-11-03
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