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66 Votes

Spaghetti Western

Spaghetti Western (view)

What an incredible climb. Long, beautiful, crack. Photo: Kirk Woerner Climber: Ben Faber

Rating:Average Rating = 4.45/5 | Votes: 66 | Comments: 49

Submitted by: on_sight_man on 2003-09-29 | Views: 1377

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Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars orangeoverhang 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars gentry 2003-10-01
5 out of 5 stars frrreeeze 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars imnotclever 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars melekzek 2003-10-01
5 out of 5 stars ritwik 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars vertical_reality 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars polarwid 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars renobdarb 2003-10-01
5 out of 5 stars lazide 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars crpa 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars bxt 2003-09-30
4 out of 5 stars biff 2003-09-30
4 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-09-30
4 out of 5 stars wsupaul 2003-09-30
4 out of 5 stars yeti 2003-09-30
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