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28 Votes

Ocean of colours

Ocean of colours (view)

Unknown climber surrounded by beautiful colours on the magnificent and very exposed arrete "Tillmannkante", 7+, Danube Valley.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.11/5 | Votes: 28 | Comments: 9

Submitted by: climbnow1 on 2003-10-15 | Views: 814

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Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars leedaclimber 2003-11-12
3 out of 5 stars renobdarb 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars mrtristan 2003-11-06
4 out of 5 stars crazyclimbingadventures 2003-11-04
4 out of 5 stars mbondvegas 2003-10-28
4 out of 5 stars rodney 2003-10-27
4 out of 5 stars overlord 2003-10-25
2 out of 5 stars lessismore 2003-10-22
4 out of 5 stars gravitysucks 2003-10-21
4 out of 5 stars yeti 2003-10-21
5 out of 5 stars rwaltermyer 2003-10-20
5 out of 5 stars roughster 2003-10-20
5 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-10-19
5 out of 5 stars dsafanda 2003-10-19
4 out of 5 stars frrreeeze 2003-10-19
3 out of 5 stars russoggi 2003-10-19
5 out of 5 stars crackaddict 2003-10-17
5 out of 5 stars chalkbag 2003-10-17
4 out of 5 stars sheppe 2003-10-17
4 out of 5 stars imnotclever 2003-10-17
4 out of 5 stars ismaell 2003-10-16
4 out of 5 stars jut 2003-10-16
5 out of 5 stars vanny37 2003-10-16
3 out of 5 stars leaverbiner 2003-10-16
5 out of 5 stars crotch 2003-10-16
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