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13 Votes

Slacklining on campus

Slacklining on campus (view)

This is a pic of me slacklining up on campus one day. It made it into the paper, but the reporter kindo made up the quote. I just said it was a hobby to pass the time....

Rating:Average Rating = 2.75/5 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 3

Submitted by: zacrobinson on 2003-10-19 | Views: 1623

Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars theturtle 2004-03-24
3 out of 5 stars jetasun 2003-11-10
1 out of 5 stars kingsmm 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars thinksinpictures 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars pisceian 2003-11-10
0 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars scallywag 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars cryder 2003-11-10
1 out of 5 stars fyreflii 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars josephine 2003-11-10
4 out of 5 stars biff 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2003-11-10
5 out of 5 stars lexmark 2003-11-10