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15 Votes

At the top

At the top (view)

This is me (sbclimber) on top of the formation after just climbing all 3 pitches of "Ending Crack" (including the final 10a short pitch in the gully above) in the rain. This was my second trad lead and quite scary in the rain. see view from base of wall

Rating:Average Rating = 2.64/5 | Votes: 15 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: sbclimber on 2003-10-26 | Views: 1187

Rating User Date
0 out of 5 stars ipsofacto 2004-05-01
0 out of 5 stars underfoot 2004-02-18
1 out of 5 stars aid312 2004-02-07
0 out of 5 stars crazyclimbingadventures 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars melekzek 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars bxt 2003-11-10
5 out of 5 stars crotch 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars ricardol 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars dynamitegirl 2003-11-10
0 out of 5 stars alexbo 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars cryder 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars arrettinator 2003-11-10
2 out of 5 stars crag 2003-11-10
3 out of 5 stars brianstltz 2003-11-10
5 out of 5 stars lexmark 2003-11-09