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12 Votes

Trip on Spider Grind 5.11b, 2002

Trip on Spider Grind 5.11b, 2002 (view)

One of the first climbs as you enter Reimer's Ranch. This climb has big holds but is very sustained. IF you have experience with overhanging routes it's also very casual. It was very pumpy for me until I started working overhanging routes a grade or two harder. [ higher res photo on ]

Rating:Average Rating = 3.36/5 | Votes: 12 | Comment: 1

Submitted by: tripl on 2003-11-28 | Views: 1142

Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars missedyno 2005-11-21
2 out of 5 stars fracture 2004-08-02
2 out of 5 stars felimonh 2004-01-06
0 out of 5 stars dhaulagiri 2004-01-05
4 out of 5 stars 2003-12-30
5 out of 5 stars tripl 2003-12-14
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2003-12-09
3 out of 5 stars frrreeeze 2003-11-30
3 out of 5 stars lollipopchic 2003-11-28
4 out of 5 stars duracellbunny 2003-11-28
4 out of 5 stars biff 2003-11-28
3 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2003-11-28