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6 Votes

fun day out at the crag and great begining** star climb

fun day out at the crag and great begining** star climb (view)

this is a fun trad lead 5.10c etherial crack it is a mini classic and requires small gear.. coming out of the pod is all footwork and takes commitment to your feet my buddy tony snaped this pic of me it is alright....

Rating:Average Rating = 2.80/5 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: razor on 2004-01-29 | Views: 656

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars edge 2005-02-09
3 out of 5 stars floridaputz 2004-10-29
0 out of 5 stars slobmonster 2004-06-19
4 out of 5 stars razor 2004-02-09
3 out of 5 stars lollipopchic 2004-02-02
3 out of 5 stars biff 2004-01-30