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29 Votes

joshua tree sunset 2000

joshua tree sunset 2000 (view)

This photo was taken in 2000 just outside of my tent in J-Tree. Photo by Gus Oliveira

Rating:Average Rating = 4.04/5 | Votes: 29 | Comments: 0

Submitted by: kerouac on 2002-01-29 | Views: 1098

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Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars crotch 2003-09-05
3 out of 5 stars maculated 2002-02-25
0 out of 5 stars marqius 2002-02-20
5 out of 5 stars veilneb 2002-02-19
5 out of 5 stars sugarbaby 2002-02-14
2 out of 5 stars photon 2002-02-14
5 out of 5 stars caylak 2002-02-13
0 out of 5 stars stevejones 2002-02-08
4 out of 5 stars graceauhk 2002-02-07
1 out of 5 stars jamesfish 2002-02-06
3 out of 5 stars climbchick 2002-02-04
4 out of 5 stars floof 2002-02-02
4 out of 5 stars newontherock 2002-02-02
2 out of 5 stars rado 2002-02-01
4 out of 5 stars rrradam 2002-01-31
5 out of 5 stars sandralee 2002-01-31
0 out of 5 stars blackjack 2002-01-30
3 out of 5 stars saltspringer 2002-01-30
4 out of 5 stars kelownaclimber 2002-01-30
4 out of 5 stars bart 2002-01-30
5 out of 5 stars stigonrock 2002-01-30
5 out of 5 stars nikegirl 2002-01-30
5 out of 5 stars buttercup 2002-01-29
5 out of 5 stars thezone 2002-01-29
5 out of 5 stars chrisstonee 2002-01-29
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