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5 Votes

Bryan's first 5.10+,

Bryan's first 5.10+, (view)

"Shoulder Blade," Crescent Rocks, outside of Berryville, Virginia. This is the crux move. The sloping fingertip holds on this slight overhang are about as wide as a pencil.

Rating:Average Rating = 2.60/5 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: bryan on 2002-02-26 | Views: 859

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars one900johnnyk 2003-01-04
1 out of 5 stars jmarg 2002-04-14
4 out of 5 stars yourfriendfrompa 2002-04-05
4 out of 5 stars mountainrat 2002-02-28
3 out of 5 stars bart 2002-02-27