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30 Votes

James Lucas going strong on One-Eyed Jack, 5.11b

James Lucas going strong on One-Eyed Jack, 5.11b (view)

James Lucas working hard at Stratocaster Wall. This shot was taken late in the evening just before sunset. The light was perfect. James hit One-Eyed Jack hard before moving on to Footloose.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.07/5 | Votes: 30 | Comments: 15

Submitted by: jdewald on 2004-04-26 | Views: 1909

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Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars sidepull 2005-05-13
4 out of 5 stars bighigaz 2004-06-04
4 out of 5 stars meataxe 2004-05-25
3 out of 5 stars bsignorelli 2004-05-21
5 out of 5 stars james_climber 2004-05-20
4 out of 5 stars scientiffikk 2004-05-18
5 out of 5 stars rvega 2004-05-17
4 out of 5 stars munkeyboy 2004-05-13
5 out of 5 stars padenjr 2004-05-12
3 out of 5 stars climbsomething 2004-05-10
4 out of 5 stars larscolorado 2004-05-10
4 out of 5 stars cryder 2004-05-10
4 out of 5 stars learningtofly 2004-05-10
5 out of 5 stars joggl 2004-05-08
5 out of 5 stars sthall 2004-05-06
4 out of 5 stars cliffmonkey2003 2004-05-05
4 out of 5 stars taualum23 2004-05-04
4 out of 5 stars forkliftdaddy 2004-05-04
3 out of 5 stars markguycan 2004-05-02
5 out of 5 stars crackaddict 2004-05-01
5 out of 5 stars ipsofacto 2004-05-01
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2004-04-28
4 out of 5 stars letsclimb 2004-04-28
5 out of 5 stars jdewald 2004-04-28
3 out of 5 stars crpa 2004-04-27
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