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12 Votes

An usual resting day in potrero chico

An usual resting day in potrero chico (view)

Mike Saenz and Ruben cortes hanged an Hamock between the spires. This is one of the most popular climbs here and one of my favorites, 2 pitches 5.10c

Rating:Average Rating = 3.50/5 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 3

Submitted by: climblover on 2002-03-05 | Views: 899

Rating User Date
2 out of 5 stars missedyno 2005-11-21
3 out of 5 stars coldclimb 2004-02-06
4 out of 5 stars alonfw 2003-12-10
3 out of 5 stars texaskilonewton 2003-11-26
3 out of 5 stars tarzan420 2003-11-20
5 out of 5 stars arrrghjp 2003-10-01
4 out of 5 stars zee 2003-01-14
1 out of 5 stars rrradam 2002-03-06
5 out of 5 stars atg200 2002-03-06
5 out of 5 stars gumby 2002-03-06
3 out of 5 stars rado 2002-03-06
4 out of 5 stars bart 2002-03-05