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6 Votes

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Shot of me on an unknown route at Bermuda between "Planet X" and "Hide it from the Cops". Nice lead with good bolts to a finish on a slab and H.I.F.T.C's anchor.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.00/5 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 5

Submitted by: cgailey on 2004-05-26 | Views: 1090

Rating User Date
2 out of 5 stars crag_rat 2004-05-27
4 out of 5 stars ambler 2004-05-27
3 out of 5 stars catt 2004-05-27
2 out of 5 stars ringbearer 2004-05-27
2 out of 5 stars joris 2004-05-27
5 out of 5 stars climber49er 2004-05-26