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8 Votes

Toe Crimper

Toe Crimper (view)

Larry is about 1/2 way across this 170' Slackline. Looks like he forgot his Chacos. Crimp Larry, Crimp! Photo: The Bleeder / NFC

Rating:Average Rating = 3.14/5 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 7

Submitted by: theturtle on 2004-07-03 | Views: 704

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars dfoerstel 2004-07-22
2 out of 5 stars climbsomething 2004-07-19
3 out of 5 stars jman 2004-07-17
0 out of 5 stars zozo 2004-07-17
5 out of 5 stars rawboulderer 2004-07-16
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2004-07-07
5 out of 5 stars areyoumydude 2004-07-05
3 out of 5 stars mrtristan 2004-07-04