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24 Votes

Early Tony Robinson ascent of Jungle Jane

Early Tony Robinson ascent of Jungle Jane (view)

This is a picture of First Ascentionist Tony Robinson on his classic route Jungle Jane. After ~ a year of work, Tony got the FA of this route named after the girl (Jane) that got away. We were relieved since it meant we could all finally climb & enjoy this great southen classic.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.00/5 | Votes: 24 | Comments: 16

Submitted by: glennritter on 2004-07-25 | Views: 2242

Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars camhead 2009-10-09
4 out of 5 stars perozee 2004-09-08
4 out of 5 stars polarwid 2004-09-02
4 out of 5 stars gentry 2004-08-26
3 out of 5 stars jstone 2004-08-23
5 out of 5 stars bradybd 2004-08-23
5 out of 5 stars blackjack 2004-08-19
4 out of 5 stars andy_reagan 2004-08-15
4 out of 5 stars orangeoverhang 2004-08-11
4 out of 5 stars ikefromla 2004-08-05
4 out of 5 stars veilneb 2004-08-03
4 out of 5 stars catt 2004-08-03
4 out of 5 stars popol 2004-08-02
4 out of 5 stars roughster 2004-07-31
4 out of 5 stars dredsovrn 2004-07-31
4 out of 5 stars edge 2004-07-28
3 out of 5 stars curt 2004-07-27
4 out of 5 stars lordjim 2004-07-27
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2004-07-26
4 out of 5 stars teddy 2004-07-26
5 out of 5 stars skinnyjim 2004-07-25
4 out of 5 stars dalai 2004-07-25
4 out of 5 stars madam 2004-07-25
3 out of 5 stars euthanasia 2004-07-25