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12 Votes

Gonzales on Driftwood Saavy

Gonzales on Driftwood Saavy (view)

John Gonzales flashing one of Red Bluff's classics. Photo by Merrick Ales

Rating:Average Rating = 3.67/5 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 6

Submitted by: merock on 2004-08-14 | Views: 784

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars climbsomething 2004-09-08
2 out of 5 stars kalcario 2004-09-04
5 out of 5 stars slackerbgood 2004-09-03
3 out of 5 stars popol 2004-09-01
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2004-09-01
5 out of 5 stars littledog 2004-09-01
4 out of 5 stars lb4123 2004-08-30
5 out of 5 stars coolnesskid 2004-08-29
4 out of 5 stars fracture 2004-08-25
2 out of 5 stars chuffinator 2004-08-16
4 out of 5 stars girlclimb 2004-08-16
4 out of 5 stars wyattearp 2004-08-15