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31 Votes

Linsey and Carol, part 2

Linsey and Carol, part 2 (view)

Second of two shots of Linsey Shelar on Carol's Crack, Devils Tower. Photo by j_ung.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.77/5 | Votes: 31 | Comments: 7

Submitted by: j_ung on 2004-09-30 | Views: 1382

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Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars saxfiend 2006-06-06
4 out of 5 stars mr8615 2006-04-13
3 out of 5 stars roadman33 2005-12-08
3 out of 5 stars forkliftdaddy 2005-11-29
4 out of 5 stars speedywon 2005-01-28
5 out of 5 stars bigwally 2004-11-12
3 out of 5 stars dredsovrn 2004-11-04
3 out of 5 stars the_alpine 2004-10-29
4 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2004-10-25
4 out of 5 stars pjcozzi 2004-10-25
5 out of 5 stars one900johnnyk 2004-10-25
4 out of 5 stars jamaica 2004-10-20
4 out of 5 stars davidcollins 2004-10-19
3 out of 5 stars jimmylegs 2004-10-17
4 out of 5 stars biff 2004-10-12
3 out of 5 stars andy_reagan 2004-10-10
4 out of 5 stars shakylegs 2004-10-08
5 out of 5 stars murmeltier 2004-10-08
4 out of 5 stars scottcody 2004-10-07
4 out of 5 stars drector 2004-10-07
3 out of 5 stars cagdbikeclimb 2004-10-05
4 out of 5 stars drrock 2004-10-05
4 out of 5 stars perozee 2004-10-05
4 out of 5 stars kadiez 2004-10-04
3 out of 5 stars markguycan 2004-10-03
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