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7 Votes

Stuart on Point Break

Stuart on Point Break (view)

Jonothan belaying Stuart on the steep and pumpy Point Break (29)

Rating:Average Rating = 2.86/5 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1

Submitted by: caperocks on 2005-02-11 | Views: 914

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars altelis 2005-02-18
3 out of 5 stars les 2005-02-13
1 out of 5 stars mshore 2005-02-13
3 out of 5 stars the_alpine 2005-02-13
3 out of 5 stars e_wire 2005-02-13
3 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2005-02-13
4 out of 5 stars labarrosa 2005-02-11