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73 Votes

Fishers in Winter

Fishers in Winter (view)

This is from an aborted attempt on the King Fisher in January. Most snow I had seen in the "des" is a long time. Bailed after a few more pitches as it was cold as hell and started snowing.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.36/5 | Votes: 73 | Comments: 27

Submitted by: feelio on 2002-06-05 | Views: 1330

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Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars mangiari 2006-03-21
5 out of 5 stars missedyno 2005-11-21
4 out of 5 stars biff 2003-11-28
4 out of 5 stars spiffdog 2002-10-24
5 out of 5 stars neuahda 2002-08-27
5 out of 5 stars dsafanda 2002-08-21
5 out of 5 stars ubotch 2002-08-20
5 out of 5 stars badasschick 2002-08-16
5 out of 5 stars aulwes 2002-08-12
4 out of 5 stars phil_nev 2002-08-11
5 out of 5 stars phillyb285 2002-08-10
4 out of 5 stars jbone 2002-08-04
5 out of 5 stars orendrori 2002-08-04
5 out of 5 stars coolpops 2002-08-02
5 out of 5 stars terss 2002-08-01
4 out of 5 stars mreardon 2002-07-29
5 out of 5 stars justsendingits 2002-07-27
4 out of 5 stars martenb 2002-07-24
5 out of 5 stars chico 2002-07-16
5 out of 5 stars bkassell 2002-07-15
3 out of 5 stars jbutk 2002-07-13
5 out of 5 stars bcmtngrrrl 2002-07-12
5 out of 5 stars d-routeclimber 2002-07-11
5 out of 5 stars apollodorus 2002-07-11
5 out of 5 stars twinrocks 2002-07-10
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