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45 Votes

I Don't Get Out of Bed for Less Than 5.12d Offwidth

I Don't Get Out of Bed for Less Than 5.12d Offwidth (view)

Another leisurely late morning: hot coffee with a view few ever see. This time, it's our fifth day on the Excalibur. And only at P12 after fixing the first five. Note how high the sun already is. It was probably ten or eleven o'clock and we were just coming to life. The great thing about the SW face of El Cap, and especially the Excalibur, is that the sun didn't hit us until early afternoon. Sleeping in ("It's too cold") was our M.O. for the whole climb. We spent ten days hauling our circus up, fully aware that stretching the awesome experience as long as possible was not a bad thing. Hey! When you haul 125 pounds of water and another 75 pounds of food, including oranges, grapefruit, avocados, whiskey, cheese, salami and Degnan's mustard packs, who cares? Photo by Pass the Pitons Pete.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.43/5 | Votes: 45 | Comments: 33

Submitted by: apollodorus on 2002-06-24 | Views: 1279

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Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars missedyno 2005-11-21
0 out of 5 stars ikaren 2005-09-02
4 out of 5 stars gunksgoer 2005-04-22
3 out of 5 stars doughboy 2003-12-15
4 out of 5 stars crotch 2003-09-09
1 out of 5 stars pbjosh 2003-09-08
2 out of 5 stars akornylak 2003-08-04
5 out of 5 stars josephine 2003-02-09
5 out of 5 stars stevematthys 2002-10-08
5 out of 5 stars rocksygirl 2002-08-10
5 out of 5 stars klymer 2002-08-09
3 out of 5 stars martenb 2002-07-24
5 out of 5 stars hollyclimber 2002-07-22
5 out of 5 stars manacubus 2002-07-16
5 out of 5 stars billcoe_ 2002-07-15
5 out of 5 stars tcollins 2002-07-11
4 out of 5 stars mauta 2002-07-10
5 out of 5 stars sharmagod 2002-07-05
3 out of 5 stars escaladorjoe 2002-07-01
5 out of 5 stars jaricaurte 2002-06-30
5 out of 5 stars squirrelgirl 2002-06-27
5 out of 5 stars eptoe 2002-06-26
4 out of 5 stars elvislegs 2002-06-26
5 out of 5 stars spike 2002-06-26
4 out of 5 stars gordonl.larsen 2002-06-26
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