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18 Votes


Roofone (view)

Me working on my new project in downtown Gunagzhou. This 25 meter roof crack is one great way to get in shape.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.17/5 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 23

Submitted by: guangzhou on 2005-06-06 | Views: 2494

Rating User Date
4 out of 5 stars bjaminbjamin 2009-06-23
2 out of 5 stars granite_grrl 2006-11-04
4 out of 5 stars gunksgoer 2006-04-29
3 out of 5 stars cedarhillsclimber 2005-11-13
1 out of 5 stars slobmonster 2005-06-09
2 out of 5 stars dfoerstel 2005-06-09
5 out of 5 stars kpj240789 2005-06-09
4 out of 5 stars j_ung 2005-06-09
4 out of 5 stars ropeburn 2005-06-09
1 out of 5 stars mshore 2005-06-09
3 out of 5 stars overlord 2005-06-09
3 out of 5 stars kachoong 2005-06-09
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2005-06-08
3 out of 5 stars sfclimbergirl 2005-06-07
4 out of 5 stars thinman 2005-06-07
3 out of 5 stars cosmin 2005-06-07
4 out of 5 stars qwert 2005-06-07
4 out of 5 stars bluesky 2005-06-06