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4 Votes

Pranav on a steep slope

Pranav on a steep slope (view)

We were approaching the summit of Delusion Peak (18,810 ft.) when suddenly the thigh-deep snow disappeared and there was only a thin crust over a layer of ice. No crampons, no rope, and the glacier is a few hundred feet below - but Pranav is still smiling!

Rating:Average Rating = 2.50/5 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: sesh on 2005-07-28 | Views: 855

Rating User Date
2 out of 5 stars sfclimbergirl 2005-08-01
1 out of 5 stars dale 2005-08-01
3 out of 5 stars arjunrattan 2005-07-29
4 out of 5 stars marcel 2005-07-29