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8 Votes

Wimmelfriedhoff V5

Wimmelfriedhoff V5 (view)

Chris on the mega classic Wimmelfriedhoff, V5, at the famous Hollow Mountain Cave, Grampians Australia. Photo by Alister Robertson, Nikon Coolpix 5400

Rating:Average Rating = 3.38/5 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: crux_clipper on 2005-09-12 | Views: 1095

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2005-09-18
3 out of 5 stars tinyfingers 2005-09-14
4 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2005-09-14
3 out of 5 stars grayhghost 2005-09-13
4 out of 5 stars tradnomad 2005-09-13
2 out of 5 stars climbnow1 2005-09-13
4 out of 5 stars kalcario 2005-09-13
4 out of 5 stars charman 2005-09-12