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3 Votes

Climber Ready ...

Climber Ready ... (view)

Jesia set up and ready to go on belay as we begin out very wet epic on Hurricane Lamp Cracks** 105m 5.4. The description reads "A mountaineering classic that would be worth an extra star under snow", well we didn't get snow but we did have hail - and lots of it!!! Plus a few bonus showering rocks from the skies, quite fun even if we did have to bail from the climb because of the horrible weather!!!

Rating:Average Rating = 1.67/5 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: dr_fil_good on 2005-09-15 | Views: 850

Rating User Date
2 out of 5 stars dalai 2005-09-19
2 out of 5 stars thomasribiere 2005-09-18
1 out of 5 stars sandstoner 2005-09-16