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8 Votes

The Money Stick

The Money Stick (view)

Finally, I go on to send after the stick of this crazy and hard first move. The low chalked hold which is closest to me is the right hand start hold, so you have to lock off completely over your right hand and trust you feet on an improbable smear and a sick drop knee which ends up being a rand smear as you can see.I guess you can not quite tell in this picture but the right foot is not on a good foot, it is just a section of the roof which has a little bitty bulge to smear on. The move after this is also really tweaky because your right foot peels and flags and you have layback all your weight on this horrible down-facing three finger crimp and you launch for a two finger third-of-a-pad crystal.

Rating:Average Rating = 2.00/5 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 3

Submitted by: grimpiperx on 2005-12-05 | Views: 1341

Rating User Date
1 out of 5 stars novclimbs 2006-04-15
2 out of 5 stars overlord 2006-01-11
2 out of 5 stars melekzek 2006-01-05
2 out of 5 stars becalm 2006-01-05
2 out of 5 stars blindfaith 2006-01-05
1 out of 5 stars crazyscuba 2006-01-05
0 out of 5 stars ne_dan 2006-01-05
4 out of 5 stars melodicllama 2006-01-04