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44 Votes

Finklestein does the MK

Finklestein does the MK (view)

"The south has no good climbing..." Boulder based Josh Finklestein doing some research of his own on the one, the only - Mortal Kombat Arete. Photo by Chris Brown. Visit the new High Exposures.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.00/5 | Votes: 44 | Comments: 28

Submitted by: the_alpine on 2005-12-23 | Views: 1068

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Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars jammer 2006-02-04
3 out of 5 stars buckeeb 2006-02-01
0 out of 5 stars mistymountainhop 2006-02-01
3 out of 5 stars jt512 2006-01-31
5 out of 5 stars restwhenyoudie 2006-01-29
4 out of 5 stars vollbrecht 2006-01-26
5 out of 5 stars cadaverchris 2006-01-23
4 out of 5 stars fabe 2006-01-22
2 out of 5 stars dutchofsd 2006-01-21
3 out of 5 stars donkey 2006-01-18
2 out of 5 stars starkcontrast 2006-01-17
4 out of 5 stars bluesky 2006-01-17
5 out of 5 stars kajsurfer 2006-01-17
5 out of 5 stars snoangel 2006-01-16
5 out of 5 stars philbox 2006-01-16
5 out of 5 stars kingjawsh 2006-01-16
4 out of 5 stars areyousuchadreamer 2006-01-15
4 out of 5 stars jamaica 2006-01-15
4 out of 5 stars nightshade 2006-01-13
4 out of 5 stars eddie_munster 2006-01-13
5 out of 5 stars crazyscuba 2006-01-13
5 out of 5 stars ismaell 2006-01-12
3 out of 5 stars sammyj 2006-01-11
4 out of 5 stars lordjim 2006-01-08
2 out of 5 stars nswelton 2006-01-07
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