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65 Votes

Passport to Insanity (28)

Passport to Insanity (28) (view)

On a recent trip to the Grampians, a trio of girls try to bag the 5th accent of this monster. Kate, on the second (crux) pitch, featuring a 6 meter tight hands splitter through a roof (5.12b). Yes, we are looking straight up at a roof! Photo: Shaggy (Shaun Kratzer)

Rating:Average Rating = 3.97/5 | Votes: 65 | Comments: 31

Submitted by: shaggette on 2006-02-11 | Views: 2773

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Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars rwalt85 2006-02-24
3 out of 5 stars bsignorelli 2006-02-24
4 out of 5 stars rock_junkie 2006-02-24
5 out of 5 stars healyje 2006-02-24
4 out of 5 stars namoclimber 2006-02-24
4 out of 5 stars skinner 2006-02-24
4 out of 5 stars buckeeb 2006-02-23
2 out of 5 stars grayhghost 2006-02-23
5 out of 5 stars curtis_g 2006-02-23
3 out of 5 stars moroneyk 2006-02-23
4 out of 5 stars obnoxice 2006-02-22
4 out of 5 stars bkalaska 2006-02-22
5 out of 5 stars rockspydermonkey162 2006-02-22
5 out of 5 stars socialclimber 2006-02-22
5 out of 5 stars blonde_loves_bolts 2006-02-21
4 out of 5 stars bluesky 2006-02-20
4 out of 5 stars mrock14 2006-02-20
5 out of 5 stars bubblegum 2006-02-19
4 out of 5 stars buckmanriver 2006-02-18
5 out of 5 stars cgwerner 2006-02-18
5 out of 5 stars tattooed_climber 2006-02-17
4 out of 5 stars bortoletto 2006-02-16
4 out of 5 stars neuroshock 2006-02-15
2 out of 5 stars nswelton 2006-02-14
5 out of 5 stars live2climb 2006-02-14
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