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4 Votes

Dana on Dem Crazy Bald Heads

Dana on Dem Crazy Bald Heads (view)

Dana on the cranking up the highball Dem Crazy Bald Heads on an unknown Rhode Island boulder. Problem goes around V4 with a two finger pocket to bad mantel top out 25 feet up. Liked this pick much better than my first of this stone.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.50/5 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1

Submitted by: dax on 2006-07-27 | Views: 1596

Rating User Date
5 out of 5 stars dax 2007-05-01
3 out of 5 stars camilotto 2006-08-22
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2006-08-18
3 out of 5 stars k1nl3y 2006-07-28