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3 Votes

Walk The Line!?!?!

Walk The Line!?!?! (view)

First time at J-Tree. This line is easy to spot on TheBlob. Quite an eye opener from the "5.7's" I'm used to....I did get it clean though, took all I had, but I did get it. Can't wait to go see what other gems Joshua has to offer.....

Rating:Average Rating = 3.33/5 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: cavitycrew on 2006-10-13 | Views: 3057

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars melekzek 2006-10-25
3 out of 5 stars jamaica 2006-10-23
4 out of 5 stars markguycan 2006-10-22