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4 Votes

Cristobalito en Bio

Cristobalito en Bio (view)

Christophe well known as Cristobalito in México, he's trying "Bio" 5.13b, now the route has an extention a second pitch that must be climbed in a single one that is still waiting for a first ascent.

Rating:Average Rating = 4.50/5 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1

Submitted by: charman on 2007-03-09 | Views: 2308

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars jamaica 2007-03-16
5 out of 5 stars sonso45 2007-03-12
5 out of 5 stars james_climber 2007-03-11
5 out of 5 stars charman 2007-03-09