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4 Votes

Deep waterfall soloing

Deep waterfall soloing (view)

Shem Barnes deep water soloing at the Pindari Dam in northern New South Wales. Pindari Dam is located near Macintyre Gorge and Ashford. During recent rains the waterfall started gushing so we all went to check it out and a couple of brave souls jumped in to the large pool below the falls necissitating a climb out to take another jump. Good times.

Rating:Average Rating = 3.75/5 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1

Submitted by: philbox on 2007-08-20 | Last Modified: 2007-11-27 | Views: 6108

Rating User Date
3 out of 5 stars markguycan 2007-08-26
4 out of 5 stars pyrosis 2007-08-22
4 out of 5 stars dleighto 2007-08-21
4 out of 5 stars secretninja 2007-08-20