Your search returned 0 categories and 81 photos
A fun one. Seeing the rope behind my heel is kinda embarassing, though. :P
Submitted by: gepeto on 2010-04-19 Views: 2164 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
The unconventional way up. Pretty pumpy to stem whole way up to top, and fun. Sun 24 Apr 2011.
Submitted by: baja_topos on 2011-04-28 Views: 1588 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Climbing inside a cave that sheltered us from the wind that blasted the rest of the park. Sun 24 Apr 2011.
Submitted by: baja_topos on 2011-04-28 Views: 1730 | Comments: 0
5.10a*** thin crack that dies out, finishing up a thin, plated face. One bolt, thin rack.
Dean sending Exorcist in the Hall of Horrors.
Kevin demonstrating crack techniques.