Photos by ClimbSoHigh
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TR on Subline one day
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 3649 | Comments: 0
Firing out to the good hold near the beginning of the climb.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 1476 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
TR on Subline one day
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 4227 | Comments: 4
My buddy loved this classic HP sloper problem, I wasn't as much of a fan of slapping the slopers than he was.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 2008 | Comments: 0
Hitting the water grove before the top out.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 2378 | Comments: 0
Great warm up climb, gets a little high but a great easy top out makes it no problem.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 2098 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Trying my hardest to get that foot to stay and beach whale myself to the top out. If I started working it fresh I would have had a chance. Maybe next trip.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 2914 | Comments: 0
I don't know why everyone gets thier feet so high on this problem. I'm only 5'10 and sent it by just leaning back working my hands to the left thumb catch, then slowly dynoed/swung into the good right hand, quick heal and bam first V4 ever outside and of our trip. Took a bunch tires (and back flops) to figure out my greatestsuperawsomebest beta to send it. Really cool problem
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 | Last Modified: 2008-12-09 Views: 2394 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 5
I posed for this one, I just wanted to get a picture because I liked the move a lot. Posing for it on day 6 and having to wait like that for 45 or so seconds for the picture was hell on my very dead arms.
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2008-02-28 Views: 2158 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
fun picture
Submitted by: ClimbSoHigh on 2011-02-16 Views: 2356 | Comments: 0