"The world through the eyes of a climber-man is a very thriller and wonderful experience"
Can meditation solve our climbing problems? Is there life after death? or Can drugs help us achieve self-& climbing realization? I´m not sure. Anyway, I will concentrate on the nature of mantras and how they were used in ancient times. They say that mantras were employed not only for spiritual emancipation but in military applications as well. In other words, i believe that mantras can be used in our daily struggle for liv...err, climbing.
Jit´a emerges from the gloom, materializing from the shadows, letting the darkness play across his face like a fallen angel on Dolomity, Italy.
Nadia is a very, very, very good friend of mine. Tough, smart and agile, she gamely maneuvers through this rock in Orgon, France.
As lovely in the soft climbing as her smile, Kätya dangles one moment by the tenous graps of her fingertips, then slowly pulls herself up again. She climbs on.
This is was always my childhood-dream, nowadays i can´t climb anymore... but i still love it and i always will
This is my human side...and that´s all
Vannie catches Dexcani´s stone in her hand; the fear beggining to show. "Try harder, try again" she jeers.
Love shines through my eyes as i remember to my uncle Nino. He don´t climb anymore; it´s just a memory. Even so, those days would never end... in our hearts.
"I´m coming home" I say sadly as i make my way through the dark at the end of a perfect climbing day.
"Climb to high that the gods will notice us again".
I´m flooded with painting wishes: every moment i ever spent in the gym, every touch of the artificial climbing wall, is rushing through my mind. Therefore, i was sitting on the floor for several hours painting that special moment.
La Valle d'Aosta, situata ai piedi del versante meridionale del Monte Bianco, confina con la Francia, la Svizzera e il Piemonte. Circondata dai "4.000" più prestigiosi delle Alpi -il Monte Bianco, il Monte Rosa, il Cervino, il Gran Paradiso- Biella-Village è un vero e proprio paradiso per gli sport invernali.
Situated in the extreme north-west of Italy, Valle d'Aosta lays at the feet of the southern side of Mont Blanc: to the west is the French border and to the north, the Swiss border. Situated in the heart of the Alps, surrounded by the highest mountains in Europe (Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, the Matterhorn and Gran Paradiso), Biella-Village is a meeting point between the Meditterranean and the Alps.
Raticon (Cosme´s nickname) the vicious and powerful climber, stands with Vinnie, my brother, a climber no less vicious than his friend. Together they rule this boulder zone in Italy.
This is Martin Spilka; a very dear friend in plain action. This pic immediatly flooded me with bright, searing memories. I wonder if he remembers me, if he remembers that cute climbing day. Anyway, it´s a beauty memory that i can´t let go of.
It´s hard to imagine my life without climbing. I began to climb when i was 7 years old, after to experienced my father´s death. It was a hard time for me, but uncle Nino taught me how to climb. He was there all the time. Even when i started to make my uncle´s nervous. Nowadays, when i feel myself going down... i just call and he still comes around... dedicated to that special climber-man.
Don´t retreat, don´t surrender... forever is now and finish a good freezing climbing can bring us back to put the wrong things right.
This is Mario Copertina, he felt down a few years ago while he was leading a hard route somewhere on Dolomity. Due to this accident he lost his right leg. But with great determination and love for rock-climbing he´s back again... "I´ve made my decision" says Mario "Now you see me enforce it".
"Don´t worry mother, i got you. Put it here even if it weights a ton. But... is daddy almost up there???". That´s what the little Kubic seems to say to his young mother and very dear friend of mine.
Vinnie is bealying to Vaclav in Frankejura. My bro´ and his friend have many plans in 2007 for new routes in Europe.
Elia lets out an anguished cry meanwhile she´s trying to reach a small ledge on this boulder. By the way... she did it.
Arrampicata alle Placche di Payer (Alghero, Italy)
Arrampicata di Karla al Settore di Jerzu, Italy. Internationally known as a world class sector (5.14a Yosemite decimal system).
Here i am, in my Sicilia, training and enjoying the wonderful gift of climb.
Walking on the Highline in Brosinnadel, Elbsandstein.