Here joeho attempts to tackle the mighty 'Tissue Tiger.' I was happy to have my finger on the trigger at just the right time to catch this shot. A moment later and the shot could have been lost. Now, the story behind the photo goes something like this: Joe was powering through some moves half-way up the climb and had to traverse to the right about a metre. He hesitated for a moment, looking rather pensive, and then his body shot out sharply and he grabbed a jug in the photo with his right hand. The movement looked so clumsy and accidental that I asked Joe if his foot had slipped as he moved. His response was, "No, that was the 'side-dyno.'" I'm not sure whether to buy his response, but either way it made for a unique shot.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-10-04 Views: 2189 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 7
A moment after this photo was taken, a passing plane delivered mail to this exact location with Joe's name on the package. Inside was a letter asking him to quit squatting and finish the climb! Hehe, it looks like he could take a nap in there. Zzzzz...
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-10-04 | Last Modified: 2008-03-07 Views: 3039 | Comments: 0
In this pic, I'm enjoying the beautiful day and taking in the spectacular views that the Gunks provide in excess. Photo by Ichthyic.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1643 | Comment: 1
I'm climbing the third pitch of 'High E' and loving every second of it! The exposure was seriously the highlight of the trip, as evidenced by the ear-to-ear grin! Photo by Ichthyic.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1225 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
It amazes me to watch this guy climb. Admittedly, it's only a 5.5 in this case, but Colin always looks truly focussed when he climbs. Even the tough stuff never seems to faze him. Kudos, Colin, Kudos. Photo by Ichthyic.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1710 | Comments: 0
On what is both his first trad climbing trip, and his first trip to the Gunks, Ichthyic is soaking up the rays and the breathtaking scenery on the ledge.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1585 | Comments: 0
Here I am looking quite pensive despite my intoxicating surroundings. The exposure was incredible. It was getting dark, and we were a party of four with 2 more climbers to send before having to find the rap station in the dark. Despite the possible difficult scenario ahead, focus was the name of the game and eventually won out over fear. The climb was spectacular, and was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. Photo by Ichthyic.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1315 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 6
After our summit of CCK, it was dark by the time we got to the ground. When we tried to pull our ropes, they got stuck. Tradrenn had the brilliant idea that if he tied into one end of the rope and jumped from 10ft up or so, perhaps they would come unstuck. Having said that, he recognized that there was some potential for injury here, and he still thought it was a good idea. So he climbs up, jumps, and the ropes remain jammed as he dangles in the air. He now thinks that if we pull on his legs as he hangs suspended, the extra weight will possibly unclog the stuck ropes. he certainly regretted that decision, as you can tell both by the photo and the title above. It was a worthy attempt Wojtek, I hope your "bolls" feel better soon. ;)
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1242 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
After a wicked weekend of outstanding climbing, we decided to give 'the kids' a go at their first trad lead. I lead it first to make sure that it was doable by our strong and mentally focussed followers. Here Colin looks ecstatic sending 'Squiggles'. Nice work and congrats on your first trad lead, Colin!
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1336 | Comments: 0
Here I am under the famous roof. I tossed my #2 Camalot in there and cranked the roof just moments later. Not very difficult, but man it was exhilirating! There's something about the history of the climb that just makes it THAT much sweeter. I'll spare the history lesson and keep the pants on this time around, but I make no promises for the future ! ;)
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1387 | Comments: 0
After a wicked weekend of outstanding climbing, we decided to give 'the kids' a go at their first trad lead. I lead it first to make sure that it was doable by our strong and mentally focussed followers. Here Ichthyic looks focussed sending 'Squiggles'. Nice work and congrats on your first trad lead!
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1121 | Comments: 0
Here I am eyeing a tricam placement around the corner on the third pitch of 'High E'. I love shots like this, where the subject is focussed on the task at hand, getting ready to place the bomber gear. Pink tricam, mmm tasty! Photo by Colin.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 | Last Modified: 2009-09-24 Views: 1363 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Atop the Skyline Traverse, I sit with the Southern Pillar towering behind me. Photo by Deryl.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1939 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Gunsight to South Peak... all I can say is 'wow'. Definitely the most exhilirating 5.3 of my life. Easy, fun moves make up the bulk of the climb, but the exposure here makes things very interesting to say the least. Seneca is definitely a place where the climbing resembles the alpine style much more than the typical crag (at least where I'm from). It's not very frequently that you can be on one side of the cliff and look directly down the other side from the top. Very cool.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-09-27 Views: 1637 | Comments: 0
Here I am taking in the beautiful twilight surrounding me atop 'Kiss of the Spiderwoman'
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-08-23 | Last Modified: 2009-02-25 Views: 1286 | Comments: 0
Here I am patiently posed for a camera shot before running up 'Kiss of the Spiderwoman' at Lions Head. Photo by Richard H.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-08-21 | Last Modified: 2008-03-07 Views: 1577 | Comments: 4
The 'pull' muscles doin' their thang on Mamma Mia at the Niagara Glen. Here I am gettin' ready to pop those feet over the lip. Photo by Dan C.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-08-21 | Last Modified: 2008-03-07 Views: 1189 | Comments: 0
Here I am pullin' up past the cruxy start on 'Fuzzy undercling.' A key move just below is to grab a 2 finger pinch with the right hand and high step with the left foot. From there, pull on the heart shaped pocket for all it's worth. Exhilirating climb!
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-08-21 | Last Modified: 2008-03-07 Views: 2314 | Comments: 2
Here I am flying through the Pump Traverse (V2) on the Lactic Acid boulder in the Land of Oz. Fun route to get the blood flowing before you start really crankin'
Photo by joeho.
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2005-08-18 | Last Modified: 2008-03-07 Views: 1045 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
McMaster Special
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2008-07-09 Views: 3535 | Comments: 3
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2009-09-24 Views: 2821 | Comments: 2
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2009-09-24 | Last Modified: 2009-10-04 Views: 3512 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2009-09-24 Views: 2533 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: abe_ascends on 2009-10-18 Views: 3256 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1