Hard climbing here due to fallen out rock from over the winter. Nothing bolted as of yet. Good trad practice, but diesel overhang.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 1090 | Comments: 0
Holy over hang Batman!
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 579 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2009-02-22 Views: 1511 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Working my way up
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-05-18 Views: 2094 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The rop hanging over Chossy's Revenge. You can clearly see the crack on the right and the one on the left. You'll need a few slings to prevent rope drag.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-06 Views: 1748 | Comments: 0
We "M'd" the rope so that we could have both climbs on one rope. Left is the Buldge and right is Desperado... we think
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-06 Views: 1828 | Comments: 0
Upon entering into the cliff area, this is the first buttress/face you come across. Although nothing has been set here it's up for grabs. Be sure to bring your brushes... it's mossy and about 20ft high.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 731 | Comments: 0
After crossing a short scree field you'll come to the Main Face - Right. It's fairly vertical with slight overhang here and there. Everything bolted here is 5.12+. Enjoy...
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 519 | Comments: 0
Viewed from the entrance path looking down along the wall.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 539 | Comments: 0
This is the main face of the cliff. In this photo there are at least 4-5 climbs, all bolted. The one in the middle of the photo that runs straight up the central thin crack system is 5.10b. Half way up there is a ledge to the right, if you stay off that ledge when doing the route it's 5.10c/10d. Directly to the left of the 10b is a 5.11a. One climb to the right from the central climb is also 5.10a/b.
Be sure to have a ground tarp, the moss is really wet.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 537 | Comments: 0
Main Face - Middle from the viewpoint of Main Face - Left.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 596 | Comments: 0
Welcome to the Good stuff... Over hanging as you can see. It's as far left as you can go that's not "rotten" rock. good 20 degree over hang with a great mixture of crimps and jugs to work your way up. This has been the project bolting area for a year or so now. There are about a half dozen bolted routes and a few trad routes. This is the wall that has the classic "Porcupine" climb. 4 Stars.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 643 | Comments: 0
5.12b... follow the red. the blue circle are the bolts. Sorry about the slightly unfocused lens.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 571 | Comments: 0
There appears to be a hard 12 if not 13 directly behind the tree and next climb left of Porcupine. The next one left after that seems to be 12ish... that's the next project.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 625 | Comments: 0
A few good routes down there. I've done a few easy ones. Nothing has names or is rated. Please be kind to the porcupines that dwell in the area. Watch out for the poop!
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 623 | Comments: 0
Another view looking central down the hill from the Main Face - Left.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 726 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Begin here and move up... be sure to stick clip!
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 637 | Comments: 0
Red line is the route. Blue circles are the bolts.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-08 Views: 678 | Comments: 0
3rd move
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 772 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
5th move after matching(4th) on the bucket.
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 675 | Comments: 0
move left hand up to side pull
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 799 | Comments: 0
Bump left up to the second bucket
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 1012 | Comments: 0
move your feet up and throw out right and up for a sloping crimp
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 1077 | Comments: 0
left hand up to the third and final bucket
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 1084 | Comments: 0
slide left and match on the sloper
Submitted by: alpineclimb on 2007-06-12 Views: 1166 | Comments: 0