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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by berserk

Your search returned 0 categories and 4 photos


Where will it lead me?

Average Rating = 3.64/5 Where will it lead me?

A very easy, very run-out and very fun slab route on Castle Rock called Imagine. Then the blue sky and fantastic scenery. In short, this was a perfect day.
Submitted by: berserk on 2003-12-01
Views: 1165 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 4
Moving up the perfect hand-crack that is Materialistic Prostitution.

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Moving up the perfect hand-crack that is Materialistic Prostitution.

Another perfect hand-crack at Frog Buttress. This is what 'Frogs' is all about; jamming your way up perfect straight lines in the sweltering Queensland heat, getting dehydrated and then finishing off the day by re-hydrating at the pub down in Boonah. Photo by L. Sando.
Submitted by: berserk on 2003-09-30
Views: 1086 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 3
Twin climbing at Frog Buttress

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Twin climbing at Frog Buttress

Two parties moving up the famous naturally protected cracklines at Frog Buttress (Qld, Australia). If jamming is your forte`, this is the place to go. The left party is moving up Bad Company (ew15), whereas the right party is cranking on Elastic RURP (ew18). Note: ew is short for Ewbank, which is the grading system used throughout Australia.
Submitted by: berserk on 2003-05-26
Views: 1402 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Early morning preparations at Brooyar, QLD, Australia.

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Early morning preparations at Brooyar, QLD, Australia.

Preparing the ropes on a beautiful Autumn morning on top of the Eagle's Nest sandstone cliff at Brooyar. A nice view of the Queensland hinterland, which is a very pleasant belay-spot, indeed. Photo by L. Sando 2003.
Submitted by: berserk on 2003-05-20
Views: 1269 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1