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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by blocx

Your search returned 0 categories and 43 photos


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J.Peet on the 3rd pitch of training day

Average Rating = 1.80/5 J.Peet on the 3rd pitch of training day

this was supposed to be a natural pro ascent of this route and a real training session. err, it was just too tempting to clip the bolts...
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-11-04
Views: 1028 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Loong on Stupid with Manners, 7a

Average Rating = 1.80/5 Loong on Stupid with Manners, 7a

Loong gives it a try on this nice little testpiece. Check out the folks on this crowded day at Fumakilla! Later someone ripped off a block in " Because I got HIgh" and destroyed some ropes below :)
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-11-04
Views: 1035 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Patrick Andrey on The Pledge, 8a

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Patrick Andrey on The Pledge, 8a

The Pledge is one of the best routes in Malaysia: a fantastic piece of sophisticated climbing on perfect rock. Here you can see the climber moving towards the technical crux.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-27
Views: 2173 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Jeremy Peet at the first ascent of Stoning Lee, 6b

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Jeremy Peet at the first ascent of Stoning Lee, 6b

Jeremy did not have much time, as the first raindrops of a thunderstorm were already falling onto climber and belayer. Just before the anchor Jeremy ripped off a rock and dropped it onto Lee´s shoulder, who took it with ease and his usual smile. Respecting Lee´s stoic patience the routename reflects the short-story of the ascent.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-19
Views: 863 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Jeremy Peet in

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Jeremy Peet in "In Guns we trust", 5c

This is a beautiful and interesting climb that conquers a gigantic flake at the end of the route.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-19
Views: 1087 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
one of the slopy exits of ss3

Average Rating = 3.00/5 one of the slopy exits of ss3

As you can see, all boulderproblems can be climbed to the very top. as the wall leans back in a large featureless radius the chances are high that the real crux starts up there!
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-02
Views: 1609 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Paklah in Tahi Ayam, 7a

Average Rating = 2.83/5 Paklah in Tahi Ayam, 7a

Paklah is just moving through the technical zone of this beautiful route, steering toward the next stalactite...
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-02
Views: 920 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Lily in Monsoon, 6a+

Average Rating = 3.10/5 Lily in Monsoon, 6a+

This shot is taken from the belay station at the top of the first pitch. Lily just has cruised the crux, unimpressed by the photographer.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-02
Views: 745 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 0
Aswadi Noor on the first pitch of Dry Season, 6c

Average Rating = 3.29/5 Aswadi Noor on the first pitch of Dry Season, 6c

This shot was taken for a special feature shown in Going Places, the inflight mag of MAS. the article was destined to make more visitors aware of the climbing possibilities around KL.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-02
Views: 735 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Sector A at Gua Musang

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Sector A at Gua Musang

Gua Musang is an optimal venue for beginners. Plenty of easy and not too high routes on bombastic and nicely featured rock. This foto was taken at our camp trip with the French School of KL end of Sept 2003.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-09-29
Views: 820 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Jeremy Peet in Bowel Movement, 6a+

Average Rating = 3.17/5 Jeremy Peet in Bowel Movement, 6a+

This beautiful route was the first to be bolted in Sector Shieldtox, when we decided to open easier routes in order to make this place more popular for the climbing community. The route got its name when Jeremy - directly after bolting - went for the FA, however, had to climb down being already half way up cos the call of nature was stronger than the urge of finishing the route.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-09-19
Views: 1223 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Aswadi Noor in Sweet Child of mine, 6b

Average Rating = 2.80/5 Aswadi Noor in Sweet Child of mine, 6b

This beautful route climbs the prominent stalactite in the center of the convex crag of Red Rocks. The route was opened in 1995 by Yuen-Li.
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-09-19
Views: 1454 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Akmal Noor in Osmosis, 7c

Average Rating = 3.91/5 Akmal Noor in Osmosis, 7c

Osmosis was the first route to be bolted in Nyamuk, right through the middle of the later named Sector Dengue. This route starts with a pumpy stalagtite joining in stamina climbing on crimps, a technical crux and again a pumpy stalactite to reach the anchor at 37m
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-09-18
Views: 1127 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
Jeremy  Peet on the 3rd pitch of Training Day, 6b

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Jeremy Peet on the 3rd pitch of Training Day, 6b

Its all about bridging and stepping, rough force wont help... This is the first multi pitch climb in Nyamuk. Bring along a 60 m rope and don't forget to tie knots at the end for abseiling, as this particular pitch is 30 m long
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-09-18
Views: 1042 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
boulder park at shah alam extreme park

Average Rating = 0.00/5 boulder park at shah alam extreme park

blocx-boulders made in various forms and surface feel, imitating granite and sand stone
Submitted by: blocx on 2007-02-16
Views: 3554 | Comment: 1
Climbing tower of Shah Alam Extreme Park

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Climbing tower of Shah Alam Extreme Park

Two poded tower with platform for multiple usage
Submitted by: blocx on 2007-02-16
Views: 4606 | Comment: 1
bukit keteri

Average Rating = 4.00/5 bukit keteri

this is the left part of the double hill structure of bukit keteri. 54 routes have been set up here in 5 days during the mammut/camp5 expedition in feb2007
Submitted by: blocx on 2007-02-16
Views: 3137 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
5pitch of Gringos in the Limelight

Average Rating = 0.00/5 5pitch of Gringos in the Limelight

We made it to this point just before darkness. Travis cruises the easy moves after the crux of the pitch (not visible in this shot). Another 3 pitches to the top from here; the last two we climbed in the light of our headlamps
Submitted by: blocx on 2012-03-26
Views: 2003 | Comments: 0
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