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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by chel3178

Your search returned 0 categories and 3 photos


Chillin at the anchor

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Chillin at the anchor

Chris led the whole climb; his longest yet!
Submitted by: chel3178 on 2008-10-31
Views: 2567 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 4

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Chel

(From Wikipedia, I THINK this was our thrid pitch) The 3rd pitch (the 'Pipe Pitch') features outstanding exposure over the Black Dike.(That's where I am in this picture!! The shadow behind me is part of the Black Dike!!) Protection is a mix of trad and fixed bolts and pitons. First ascent Bradley Gilman & Hassler Whitney August 3rd 1929 To the side of me (at least 40 feet.) in the corner (the Black dike) there was a very small water fall that was turning to ice. I could hear the ice falling; so I looked over AND then down to watch it crash at the bottom...bit scary :) and incredibly awesome at the same time!! Denny said he saw some ice climbers attempting that climb already...but seemed a bit early in the season for that...
Submitted by: chel3178 on 2008-10-31
Views: 3066 | Comments: 2
First Outdoor Sport Lead

Average Rating = 0.00/5 First Outdoor Sport Lead

Going up the chimmney to the first bolt.
Submitted by: chel3178 on 2009-11-10 | Last Modified: 2009-11-11
Views: 1499 | Comments: 0