Jon Freriks on the Joker. This guy always freaks me out. He's old enough to be my dad, has a bad shoulder and a detached bicep, and he still (re)sends The Joker (12c/d) as part of a regular day... along with Purple Shark.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-07-16 Views: 1716 | Comments: 0
Rmiller on the appropriately named climb, As Nasty As They Want To Be. 12c climb that uses a really hard mantle followed by non-existent crimps.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-07-16 Views: 1865 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Fourth of July Weekend, 2006. Too much rain to hike Buckskin Gulch and Paria so we ended up in Bryce and Zion. Not a bad plan B at all. Bryce id beautiful; too bad all the rock is choss.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-07-07 Views: 2161 | Comments: 0
Some things get better with age. Here is one of my elders working an extension of Connie. A true rope stretcher, there are about 5 feet left on a 60m when you lower. jme climbing.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-06-27 Views: 2152 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a great dihedral in Sedona. I guess I should say, the second pitch is great. This first looked really loose, ugly and rather poorly protected. Best access is to climb Mars Attacks, go to the right anchors at the top; rap down to the triple anchors; rap again to the beginning of the route. Hands, off width, fingers, and tips. Classic line.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-05-04 Views: 2115 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
The Pharos has some great climbs on it. Pic from Blondgecko, I just put it together.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-04-21 Views: 1918 | Comments: 0
If you know Supra, you know that his left toe isn't bearing any weight. Consecutive one-arm pullups is the key to his beta. The rest of us use the feet (and still struggle).
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-04-19 Views: 1726 | Comment: 1
Under Attack is a 12a route on the Main Wall at Jack's Canyon. It is a tough onsight for the grade due to some specific beta for hands and smearing feet. Like many Jack's routes, it is hard to clear the roof and then it eases off up higher (but you're gettin' tired by that point). Some PS used to adjust exposure and shadows/highlights. Photo suggestions welcome.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-02-02 Views: 2227 | Comments: 3
Evil Offspring is a great, fun climb at Jack's Canyon. Four increasingly steep bolts get you to the horizontal. Traverse three more bolts to the double draw in the picture. Clip this across your body from a good hand and a bicycle step under the roof (that I think sucks) and hope that you don't peel here because you will either deck or hit the protruding boulder. After that, power through the pocket crux and up the arete for another three or four bolts. So much fun. John Reyher climbing.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-02-02 Views: 2164 | Comment: 1
Pieced this panoramic together in PS. Pics taken on Thanksgiving weekend 2005. Many people are upset that this place may be going away; I have never really been a fan of the Mine myself. Poor bolting leads to many potentially dangerous falls and much rope abrasion.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-26 Views: 2942 | Comments: 0
The Leap in the evening sun. A little bit of shopping, just a warming filter to bring out more orange.
There are supposed to be great routes on this wall, but I have never tried any of them. Approach is from the top; rap in and climb out.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-26 Views: 2991 | Comments: 0
This easy trad route (5.3) starts at the Sundeck boulder about half way up Pinnacle Peak. Not a fan of the granite in the McDowells, I was pleasantly surprised with Pinnacle Peak. I will be back for some hard sport slabs and trad cracks. Great spot considering that it is a half hour drive and a short uphill hike.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-26 Views: 1725 | Comments: 0
The sand-banked puddle in the foreground is the Finke River, the oldest river in the world. The cliffs are part of the MacDonnel Mountain Range. These cliffs were once ocean coastline hundreds of millions of yeras ago when Australia rose above the water. I'm not sure if there is any climbing here but there are tons of tall cliffs so I'm sure there unlimited 1st ascents around. Out in the middle of nowhere it was about a 4 hour hike to get here.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-26 Views: 910 | Comments: 0
This was a great day spent on Pinnacle Peak. Three of us took the easiest route up (fourth class, 5.3). Bolted belays and easy climbing makes it a nice beginner outing. We also broke it into three pitches so I could stop here and give a more attentive belay to the new climber.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-23 Views: 1473 | Comments: 0
Eric warming up on Pocket Pow Wow. My first toying with DOF in PS. Any suggestions? Unfortunately my car, in the background, was broken into while we were climbing this day. Otherwise it was a great day.
Submitted by: claramie on 2006-01-17 Views: 1196 | Comments: 0
This climb is listed as possibly lead-able. I found a couple of places to put micro-nuts but that would be one serious lead.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-11-15 Views: 954 | Comments: 0
Such a cool climb. I wish that I got a better picture of this one.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-11-15 Views: 1084 | Comments: 0
Another great climb at Torrent. The name of the game is move fast and efficient. I'm just glad that I clipped the third bolt; that would be a nasty fall otherwise.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-09-06 Views: 929 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This was a great climb. First thing on a wet morning makes for slippery cracks. Bring hand to fist sized pieces (doubles if you have them). I didn't and was forced to stack nuts at the crux at the top.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-08-16 Views: 739 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Rock Wars is the best 10a trad route at Red River Gorge in my opinion. Talk about perfect fingers in a dihedral. Great protection too.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-07-26 Views: 975 | Comments: 0
Working my way through the end of Gung Ho. Good holds but so many to choose from you pump out looking for the best option. Pic with Sony DSC-W1.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-07-26 Views: 827 | Comments: 0
Wall of Fools has some great climbs on it. The orange sections are blank so you climb the black water streaks. Many hike to the top to set topropes.
Submitted by: claramie on 2005-07-26 Views: 820 | Comments: 0
Wasteland is a truely classic climb. Max is hanging out at the belay at the end of the third pitch. Too bad we chose a 100 degree day for the climb. If you pick a hot day, start at one or later so you avoid some sun.
Submitted by: claramie on 2004-06-06 Views: 1163 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This is camp on May 16, 2004 at the foot of the East face of Mount Whitney, CA. Whitney is the right-most peak. Plenty of multi-pitch alpine stuff to get up, plus a class 3 couloir past the right edge of this picture.
Submitted by: claramie on 2004-05-31 Views: 853 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Tannin is located above the Organ Pipes on the Red Wall - at Arapiles, in Victoria, Oz. This climb is a classic example of why Araps is one of the premier trad spots in the world - trad climbing without cracks. Watch the chalk line to see the route. After the roof there is great liebacking to make your feet hold better.
Submitted by: claramie on 2004-05-29 Views: 763 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0